Chris Radinsky, the Baylor in Australia marketing intern writes:

DSCN0126“How was your summer?”, “How was Australia?” These are the questions I was asked repeatedly upon returning from my study abroad. My response was simple. Studying abroad in Australia was the most amazing learning experience I have ever had. From snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, to walking through the Daintree Rainforest, and camping out under the night sky in the Australian outback, I will never forget the memories and friends I made in only a short few weeks.

In North Queensland, we learned first-hand how the Aborigine people have adapted since British colonization, and how they live in today’s modern world. We learned about the sustainability of the rainforest and reef, and how it is dependent on the actions of the people. We learned that we must work together to help protect these precious ecosystems. We learned how farmers work together to maintain a profitable and sustainable plantation. We learned what life looks like on the other side of the world.

As a sIMG_9439econd year business student at Baylor University, studying abroad in Australia led me to choose a minor in international business. I would seriously recommend this program to anyone looking for an educational travel experience with lasting impact.


Student Perspective: A new outlook on the Great Barrier Reef
Student Perspective: Living for Adventure