Jackie Jorgensen, the Eagles Abroad marketing intern, writes:


I never knew 23 days could change my life; in just 23 days my perspective on this world was greatly enriched. After seeing New Zealand and Australia, I’m not sure how the world could ever get any more incredible. These countries offer vast jaw-dropping landscapes, and a beautiful culture centered on sustainability.


My name is Jackie Jorgensen, and I am a junior at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse.  This winter I went on the Eagles Abroad Sustainable Business program to New Zealand and Sydney and this year I am the new marketing intern back at UWL.


New Zealand opened my eyes to treating our planet with the care and respect it deserves.  Never in my life have I seen such clear blue waters, luscious greenery, and clean streets.  Growing up in Milwaukee, I have been exposed to the city pollution, and carelessness for the streets.  It was extremely refreshing to be exposed to a culture that takes such care of their environment.


While abroad our group completed several incredible hikes such as Aoraki/Mt.Cook and the Routeburn Track, we went sea kayaking, freely explored foreign cities, and dedicated a few days to a home-stay where I was placed with an incredible woman from the United Kingdom. A major highlight was traveling to the beautiful coastal town of Kaikoura, where we were able to swim with about 400 wild dusky dolphins!


Jan 16 167Alongside our adventuring and traveling, we also heard about concepts of sustainability from some truly inspiring Kiwi and Australian businessmen. They spoke about methods to leave less of an environmental footprint while still reeling in a solid profit.  It was truly refreshing to hear a non-Americanized business perspective.


New Zealanders truly value their land and society, which I found to be incredibly admirable.  Sustainable business is something every country needs to focus on and with this experience behind me; in the future I hope to be able to make a difference in how the citizens of the world do business.

Student Perspective: Play hard, work harder, adventure more
Field Notes: Student sees character emerge from the rubble in Christchurch