Virginia Reid, the Hokies Abroad service-learning in New Zealand and North Queensland 2015 student blogger, writes:



G’Day and Kia Ora!

My name is Virginia Reid and I will be the voice behind the Virginia Tech and SUNY Brockport 23-day field course in New Zealand and North Queensland, Australia this summer. Each week I will be updating this blog with numerous pictures and videos from my GoPro as well as detailed posts about all of our adventuring and research throughout this amazing experience. During our trip we will be participating in hands-on service learning projects, while also developing our understanding of the true implications of sustainability, ecological restoration and resource conservation.

I am so excited to have this golden opportunity to explore every adventurer’s paradise and study the ecosystems. To dive into the two of the most prestigious locations for explorers and researchers alike is truly a once in a lifetime experience. 


Not only does this opportunity allow students to examine different ways of life and cultures, but it also includes physical involvement in the field. Through underwater discovery in the Great Barrier Reef and hikes in the ecologically diverse environments of New Zealand, I’m sure there is no better way to gain an appreciation for natural beauty and the need for conservation.

During my course, my primary personal and academic goals are to gain a greater understanding of the natural world and to fortify a stronger sense of independence.  I traveled often as a young girl, but was always linked to family or friends. This trip will offer a chance for self-discovery, leadership, cultural immersion, and a group of adventurous faces with whom I can create new memories. Most importantly, however, I hope to use what I learn in the rest of my academic life as a student and a future entrepreneur, hoping to one day make a difference in environmental conservation.

This is the time in my life for journeys, adventures, exploration, and discoveries. To find a way to understand the vast natural world, of which we are such an integral part. My mantra has always been, “play hard, work harder, and always adventure more,” and that is exactly what I intend to do.


Student Perspective: Contrasting environments and knowledgeable guides
Student Perspective: A week of adventurous learning