Sydney Opera House – Sydney, Australia
Australia is a megadiverse country: it features diverse ecosystems (deserts, reefs, rainforests, mangroves, tropics, and mountainous regions) and a high proportion of endemic flora and fauna. Prior to colonization, Australia was divided into 250 linguistically, culturally, and economically unique indigenous nations. Today Australia’s indigenous culture and numerous other immigrant cultures sit within the global cities where the majority of Australians live and work. These cities are hubs of commerce, education, sport, recreation, cuisine, media, and cultural production.
A few things students have studied here:
- Sustainable business
- Global health
- Visual arts
- Engineering
- Environmental studies
- Marine science
- Journalism
- Sports nutrition and exercise physiology
- Indigenous culture and history
Faculty + Staff
Maximize learning
AUIP provides both consortium and customized programs to best meet the needs of partner universities and faculty.
An isolated island nation in its evolutionary infancy, New Zealand is the most recently inhabited country in the world
Australia is one of the most diverse countries on Earth, both in terms of its landscapes and its multicultural population