Tips + Resources

Supporting your student through pre-departure resources

Students hike through alpine vegetation and glacial landforms – Canterbury, New Zealand

Supporting your student

Students returning from their study abroad experience often report significant personal growth in self-confidence and independence. This development begins during the pre-departure process, as students gain skills around booking travel, investigating airline policies and visa requirements, packing efficiently, banking abroad, and documenting important numbers and information. When supporting your student in their study abroad experience, you can encourage this growth and independence by introducing them to key pre-departure resources, many of which they can continue to use as they travel for years to come.

  • AUIP Program Handbook: this will be helpful for you and your son or daughter to read well before the trip
  • Pre-departure preparation: both AUIP and your son or daughter’s home institution will have requirements to work through. Read about these here
  • Passport and visas: your son or daughter will need a passport that is valid at least six months after their program ends. A first step in supporting your student can be to help check their passport expiration date and renew it if needed. You should both also check whether visas are required for any of his or her destinations. See the AUIP Program Handbook
  • Register travel plans: your son or daughter is strongly advised to register with the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)
  • Strategies for staying healthy: review the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) resources for the South Pacific for the latest information on travel health risks, recommended immunizations, and health recommendations
  • Medical and dental checkups: Encourage your son or daughter to schedule checkups before departure. We strongly recommend any concerns are addressed while they have access to their regular caregivers
  • Make a communication plan: set realistic expectations for when and how you will make contact during your son or daughter’s travels. Remember they may be in remote locations for at least a portion of the time with limited or no access to Wifi and cell service

We also recommend that parents have a valid passport in case of emergency. Please note that short-term faculty-led programs are not conducive to family visits, but you are, of course, welcome to join your son or daughter at their locations either before or after the program

AUIP’s New Zealand Sustainability program is great for anyone who is seeking adventure, independence, self-discovery, and experiential learning!

Tarrah Bigger, University of Florida (alumnus of course in New Zealand)

Further reading

What Parents Need to Know, by NAFSA, the Association for International Educators covers pre-departure preparations, communication plans, culture shock, and how to maximize the benefits of study abroad. Order here.



Universities partner with us to implement faculty-led programs in the South Pacific. Learn more about our regional expertise, academic support, and logistic services.



AUIP destination New Zealand
An isolated island nation in its evolutionary infancy, New Zealand is the most recently inhabited country in the world


AUIP destination Australia
Australia is one of the most diverse countries on Earth, both in terms of its landscapes and its multicultural population


Destination Fiji
Fiji is an archipelago of 330 islands, 110 of which are inhabited. It is a tapestry of ecological, cultural, and social complexity


AUIP destination Antarctica
The coldest, driest, and windiest place on Earth, Antarctica is a frozen desert that is the least understood of Earth’s continents