

2016 Student Blogs, New Zealand & Sydney, Shoestring Budget, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Learning to Love Your Budget

Kate Mayfield, the University of Montana’s Sustainability in New Zealand and Australia student blogger, writes: While raising enough money to go on your trip abroad may be difficult, travelers often struggle to stay on budget once they are in country as well. In my own experiences abroad, I have found that when I did not plan my budget well, I…

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2016 Interns, Australia: Sydney, Green Living, New Zealand & Sydney, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Making “Going Green” Permanent in Your Life

Kate Mayfield, the University of Montana’s Sustainability in New Zealand and Australia student blogger, writes: Recycling can be hard to keep up with, composting is difficult for the average family, and unplugging your electronics can feel like a lot of work. If you take little steps every day, going green can be a permanent part of your life. Buying a…

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2016 Interns, Australia: Sydney, Field Notes, New Zealand & Sydney, Student Perspective, Suitcase

Student Perspective: 5 Tips to Help You Pack Like a Travel Pro

Kate Mayfield, the University of Montana’s Sustainability in New Zealand and Australia student blogger, writes: No one dreads packing more than me. I am the classic over-packer. I bring enough clothes to ensure I am prepared for EVERY single situation. Gloves? Sure, it might get cold. One sweatshirt? Better bring two in case someone forgets one. Those are thoughts I…

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2016 Interns, Australia: North Queensland, Australia: Sydney, Field Notes, New Zealand & Sydney, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Hello, It’s Me… From Montana (I hope you all sang that like Adele)

Kate Mayfield, the University of Montana’s Sustainability in New Zealand and Australia student blogger, writes: Before I jump into this post, I’d like to tell you a little about myself (in hopes you might actually heed my advice on occasion). My name is Kate Mayfield, and I am a 20-year-old University of Montana senior who has an itch to travel…

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#AUIPWalkAMile 2016 Photo Contest Winners: “Walk a Mile in Another’s Shoes”

Christchurch, New Zealand – American Universities International Programs, Ltd. (AUIP) announces its 2016 Photo Contest “Walk a Mile in Another’s Shoes” winners. This year’s theme, “walk a mile in another’s shoes,” refers to trying to understand another’s perspective prior to passing judgment, and is derived from an 1895 poem written by Mary T. Lathrap titled Judge Softly: Just walk a…

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2016 Interns, Australia, Australia: South Australia, Australia: Sydney, Snapshot, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: “It’s not where you are, it’s who you’re with.”

Katerina Alemis, the Illinois Abroad marketing intern, writes: The saying, “It’s not where you are, it’s who you’re with,” is one that truly resonated with me throughout my time in Australia. After eight weeks of class together, I still felt overwhelmed by the fact that I was going to travel halfway across the world with a group of people whose…

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2016 Student Blogs, Australia, Australia: North Queensland, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Angus, the giant humpheaded wrasse

Anna Lovell, the Baylor University Sustainability in North Queensland student blogger, writes: While studying abroad in Australia, I got to snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef near Port Douglas. The experience I had was absolutely amazing and the reef was beautiful. This was definitely one of the highlights on this trip. We headed out in the morning to get to…

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2016 Student Blogs, Australia, Australia: North Queensland, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Canopy crane in the Daintree Rainforest

Anna Lovell, the Baylor University Sustainability in North Queensland student blogger, writes: I can hardly believe that I am about halfway through my time in Australia! The time goes fast while we are here because we have been doing so much, but it also feels like I have been here for months because we have seen so much. Over the…

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2016 Student Blogs, Australia, Australia: North Queensland, Field Notes, Postcard, Snapshot, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Pick experiences over material things

Mariah DeLosSantos, the Baylor University Sustainability in North Queensland student blogger, writes: If you ever have the opportunity to travel, do it. Whether that be on study abroad, a beach vacation, or a road trip in your home state, it is honestly the best thing you can experience. We’ve traveled all around North Queensland, Australia, from Magnetic Island to Cape…

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2016 Student Blogs, Australia, Australia: North Queensland, Field Notes, Postcard, Snapshot, Student Perspective, Uncategorized

Student Perspective: Where rainforest meets reef

Mariah DeLosSantos, the Baylor University Sustainability in North Queensland student blogger, writes: How could something so beautiful be in such danger? Recently, I got the opportunity to dive in (literally) to the great living system that is the Great Barrier Reef. We got to snorkel and swim with the amazing fish around the reef and learn about how they all…

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