Kate Mayfield, the University of Montana’s Sustainability in New Zealand and Australia student blogger, writes:

Recycling can be hard to keep up with, composting is difficult for the average family, and unplugging your electronics can feel like a lot of work. If you take little steps every day, going green can be a permanent part of your life.

Buying a separate bin, and labeling it “Recycling” will not only help you to remember to recycle, but it will remind others in your household to do the same. Adding a flier with pictures of what can be recycled (see picture below) can also help show people what can and cannot be recycled.

Make it a challenge for yourself and whoever you live with to turn off your electronics every day before you leave. Use the money you save on your energy bill at the end of each month to treat yourselves to something fun that you normally would not do.

Buy reusable bags and keep a couple in the trunk of your car. If you forget the bulk of them at home, you will still have some with you to go shopping with. Also, when grocery shopping do not put your fruits and veggies in those thin plastic bags the store provides. They generally aren’t reusable, and if you’re going to wash your produce when you get home you might as well just put it in the cart.

Riding your bike, taking public transportation, or walking can all help limit carbon emissions. Make a point to do at least one of the three once a week to a place you would normally drive.

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