Ashley Carlisle, the Florida Down Under marketing intern, writes:

Blog 1, Carlisle 02

Though I had waited years for the opportunity to study abroad, I still had reservations about having limited communication and not knowing anyone else. But I knew I could not forgo such an amazing opportunity because of a little apprehensiveness. I jumped in at the deep end and was so glad I did. Here are a few tips to help others who may be struggling with anxiety before going abroad for the first time:


  1. Socialize with new friends: When we departed LAX to fly to North Queensland, I knew no one, but by the first night at Bungalow Bay, I had already made five new friends with my bunkmates. I often consider myself introverted but on the program I found it surprisingly simple to make friends as everyone was open and welcoming to new friendships. Try to be social and talk to anyone and everyone on your program.
  1. Immerse yourself in the program: Whether working on course modules or exploring new surroundings, we were always kept very busy. I thought I would be spending a lot of my free time phoning home, but I found myself opting to visit local markets or hike nearby trails instead. The busier you are, the less you will have the chance to be homesick. Studying abroad is a great chance to focus on the present and enjoy the trip of a lifetime!

Blog 2, Carlisle

  1. Keep a journal: Writing down my thoughts and describing my adventures to tell my family about later helped to alleviate my homesickness. Plus by journaling I also had a detailed recollection of all the amazing places I experienced abroad. Bring a small journal in your daypack to record your journey – the Smash book is a great way to keep things together as you’re going along!
  1. Stay Connected: It is easy to take effortless communication for granted with low-cost data coverage and unlimited Wi-Fi in the U.S. Knowing that my communication would be limited for days or weeks at a time seemed daunting at first, however, staying connected was definitely not impossible. FaceTime, iMessage, WhatsApp and Skype are great for video chat and free texting when you have a Wi-Fi connection. And if this isn’t enough you can always look into local SIM cards and international plans too.
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