Mariah DeLosSantos, the Baylor University Sustainability in North Queensland student blogger, writes:

SunsetIf you ever have the opportunity to travel, do it. Whether that be on study abroad, a beach vacation, or a road trip in your home state, it is honestly the best thing you can experience.

We’ve traveled all around North Queensland, Australia, from Magnetic Island to Cape Tribulation, Port Douglas to Cairns. I thought Cape Tribulation was the most beautiful place because it held the Daintree Rainforest, the oldest rainforest in the world! koalaThough Port Douglas was amazing with the Great Barrier Reef right off the coast, and I did get to hold a koala and feed kangaroos at the wildlife habitat there, which was a dream-come-true.

Being able to hike and snorkel all around Northern Australia was incredible. I saw some breathtaking views that I never dreamed of seeing, like looking out of a crane over the top of the Daintree Rainforest canopy and kayaking around the Cape Tribulation coastline. Also, getting to experience Aboriginal culture for a day was so interesting. I’ve learned so much about the ecology and culture of Australia while getting the experience of a lifetime!

I will cherish these adventures and memories for the rest of my life. Here is my most meaningful tip, based on my own travels:


When choosing what to spend your money on, pick experiences over material things. You won’t remember those expensive shoes you wore that one time to that event, but you will remember ziplining through the oldest rainforest in the world or snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. I believe that investing your money into experiences that shape and change who we are, are the things that really matter and will provide us with maximum happiness.

I can honestly say that this trip to Australia was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I made so many friends and unforgettable memories. Experiences contribute to, and become a part of, who we are, much more than items. So stop buying things and go live!




Student Perspective: Canopy crane in the Daintree Rainforest
Student Perspective: Budgeting while abroad