Marisa Gottlieb, from the University of Florida, explores one of the Seven Natural Wonders – the Great Barrier Reef. She writes:

Not many study abroad trips give you the opportunity to visit one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Luckily, studying abroad with AUIP and the University of Florida in North Queensland, Australia, allowed me to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef and learn about its ecosystems.

Corals of the Reef

For 2 days, we were given the opportunity to conduct research alongside one of the most knowledgeable researchers of the Great Barrier Reef, John Rumney. Once we arrived at the reef sites, we conducted transects of the area to determine what species live there and the progression of coral bleaching. We worked as a group to gather our information and then come to conclusions based on that information.

After learning how to snorkel and dive under, you are able to get up close and personal to all of the forms of life that inhabit the Great Barrier Reef. It is home to over one thousand different species, which is truly incredible. I saw everything from colorful coral to sea turtles to schools of fish. I will not be able to see that many different species in one condensed area anywhere else.

Diving the deep blue

As we know, coral bleaching is occurring at an extremely fast rate. Now is the perfect time to see the beautiful coral reefs and fish as the Great Barrier Reef may be dead in 10 years due to global warming and other factors. Being able to see it while it is still alive is one of my most memorable experiences.

If you have the chance to experience Australia and the Great Barrier Reef, you should definitely take advantage of that opportunity. Australia has so much to offer and my study abroad trip allowed me to see many of the highlights of it. From the Great Barrier Reef, to the Daintree Rainforest, to the Outback, AUIP has given me the opportunity to see things I will not be able to see elsewhere.

As I always say, take advantage of the opportunities that are available and explore the world! Go Gators, Go Studying Abroad, Go AUIP!

Marisa Gottlieb

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