AUIP welcomes Ethan Boroughs, the University of Richmond Down Under Marketing Intern to the team. Ethan writes:

My name is Ethan Boroughs and I’m a senior at the University of Richmond. I studied abroad through the AUIP program during the summer after my sophomore year, where I traveled to the Eastern Coast of Australia.

When deciding on whether or not to go abroad, I remember my parents shouting, “GO ABROAD! YOU’LL NEVER HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE AGAIN IN YOUR LIFE!” Obviously, my parents wanted me to go, but I wasn’t so sure. I wanted to travel and see the world like every other undergrad student at the University of Richmond, but I wasn’t sure that this was the right opportunity. ‘What if something goes wrong? What if I don’t enjoy myself as much as everyone says I will?’ These thoughts kept reverberating through my head as I tried to make my decision. I had heard good things about the AUIP program from others who had gone on the trip, but for some reason I felt that this trip might not be for me. After a lot of deliberation, I decided that I’d never have this opportunity ever again and I should take the chance to see parts of the world that I would most likely never be able to see again. Plus, I’d be able to snorkel on the Great Barrier Reef and see koalas, two things that I needed to cross off of my bucket list. I applied to the program, got accepted, and when the time came, I did what I thought I couldn’t do and I boarded a plane to Australia.

Swimming at Hidden Valley

When I finally arrived in Australia, I had the best experience of my entire life. The AUIP program took us to some of the most beautiful spots I’ve ever seen, and got me to do activities that I never thought I’d be able to do, like swimming in a gorge in the middle of the Australian Outback, swimming in the Coral Sea, visiting an Australian petting zoo, and, of course, I was able to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef and see koalas! I was not only able to come away with amazing experiences, but also bonds and friendships that will last me the rest of my life.

Overall, I did not in any way, shape, or form regret the decision to go against all of my instincts and study abroad in Australia with AUIP. In fact, I’d recommend the program to anyone considering studying abroad, because AUIP guarantees a travel and learning opportunity that will provide you with memories, friendships, and experiences that will last a lifetime.


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Student Perspective: Stepping out of your comfort zone, by Caleb Wilson, MTSU