Caroline Marion, 2013 South Queensland student blogger, writes:

Perseverance. That word has never meant as much to me as it did when the opportunity to be a part of a study abroad program arose. Let’s just start out by saying I didn’t even get into the program the first time around. I know most people say, “Don’t tell people that! You’re in now.” To me though, that’s part of the beauty of the experience. There is nothing more satisfying than after talking with the professors on and off again for a month, than getting that email that finally stated I had been accepted into the Wolfpack Abroad 2013 program. Those were the most joyful tears that I had ever shed (and I hardly cry ever—-HA!).   Caroline Marion

Needless to say, that’s when everything came into full focus and ‘tangible’ in a sense for me. When it becomes real, then you begin to realize just how much work you’re about to put into this program. The study abroad program process is not an easy endeavor. In fact, it is far from it! It has been exceptionally rewarding, though.

I have spoken to countless corporations and managers about sponsoring me for this once in a lifetime opportunity, and though it has been beyond challenging it has also been incredibly worthwhile. I know this is a far-fetched concept, but people don’t like handing out money. Ha, hard to believe, I know, I know. That’s what made it so gratifying when they do sponsor you. It shows that they believe it what you’re doing and are excited for you!

I am twenty years old and am about to travel across the world with a group of people that I don’t know, in order to not only better myself but help others and expand my (and their) knowledge of the world; so it’s reaffirming that they’re behind me. Traveling this far is something no one else in my family has ever done, and I am so proud that within five weeks I am going to have the opportunity to do so. Needless to say, I wouldn’t have been able to pursue this voyage without the generosity of my sponsors, family, and friends.

I cannot within a short essay express to each one of you how eager and privileged I feel to be able to share the experience that is South Queensland, Australia with you.  Through my words and pictures, I aspire to show that a continent, that however is so vary far from our own, is in its own way extraordinarily unique but also not that dissimilar from that of North America. It may be home to one of nature’s most vast biospheres (the Great Barrier Reef) and many other jaw-dropping locations, such as the Outback, but most importantly though, it is home to countless individuals.  Home just like America is to us. And we share the same issues. Which is partly why we’re going; to see that the world is more vast than just what is in front of us but to also realize that it’s time we as a global community become more sustainable so that our ‘homes,’ wherever they may be, are more sustainable, clean, and the breathtaking beauty that they have and will continue being.

Once again, I am stoked to have this opportunity and even more ‘keen’ (as the Australians say) to take you along with me in a sense! So for now, ‘G’day mate’ and talk to you soon!

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