Emily Fessler, from Pennsylvania State University , talks about experience of studying in Sydney with Penn State School of Visual Arts in winter 2017. She writes:

Emily Fessler, Penn State University
Hi! My name is Emily Fessler and I am currently a Junior at the Pennsylvania State University studying Advertising/Public Relations as well as minoring in Business and Entrepreneurship. I am originally from Erie, Pennsylvania, which was recently named the Snowiest City in the United States, according to the Golden Snow Globe, after receiving a total of 186 inches of snow this past winter. Living in a real life snow globe such as Erie you could guess that I do enjoy skiing very much. Despite the bitter winter months, however, Erie also has beautiful warm summers. I am lucky enough to have a Great Lake in my very own backyard. Some summer activities that I enjoy include boating, walking along the beach in the hunt for beach glass, and playing golf. One thing I really value in my life is my family. I come from a large family in which I am number 28 out of 41 grandchildren. I have two loving parents and one younger sister. For me, family is everything. Whenever I am struggling I know I have them to turn to because they will always be there for me no matter what.
This past winter break I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Sydney, Australia for a study abroad trip with Penn State. What made this experience so special and unique was that I was able to talk face-to-face with descendants of aboriginal Australians. Being able to learn about another country’s culture through face-to-face conversations creates such an authentic and surreal experience that you simply cannot get from a textbook.

Coastal view at Royal National Park NSW
My favorite part of the program was when we hiked through the New South Wales Royal National Park. Originally when I heard we were “hiking” I was hesitant with excitement. I am not a big fan of being in the woods where I am prone to becoming a “tasty snack” for the mosquitoes, however, this hike was surprisingly delightful! We marched through the cliffs that overlooked the Pacific Ocean and stopped at a private beach to have a nice packed lunch. The views we saw on this hike were incredible leaving me in awe as I stood there trying not to pinch myself. The mountain rock was filled with shades of red, purple, and orange. One would think someone had painted these mountaintops. The ocean waves that crashed up against the sides of the cliffs were filled with multiple shades of blue. The best part about this hike, however, was the silence of nature that surrounded me. For the first time, all the outside noise had stopped and I could finally listen to my own thoughts and ideas without any disruption.
Now I am starting a new journey as AUIP’s Marketing Intern for the Pennsylvania State University. I would like to share my experiences with other students to encourage them to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. The trip was invaluable and life changing for me and I would love for other students to experience Sydney, Australia and everything it has to offer as well!
Published: February 2018