It’s that time of year when you’re racking your brain for unique gifts for all those people on your gift list. Gift cards, boring. Ties, overdone. iPhone 4, so last year. What ever are you going to give those jet-setting friends and family? Well, we have a few suggestions…

For the preppy, cinda b’s eTablet cover for iPad

Eleanor from our team purchased one of these for herself recently and can’t say enough good things about its exterior style and interior protection for her iPad. Plus, Cinda b hails from Atlanta, Eleanor’s hometown, so what’s not to love?

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For the adventurous, North Face’s base camp duffel

This water- and abrasion-resistant bag has traveled with world with our staff and has stood up to downpours in North Queensland like a champ.

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For the bookworm, the new Kindle e-Reader

It won’t consume precious space needed in your carry-on like hardback books do. And since it’s considered by Engadget to be the “best e-reader $100 (or less!) can buy,” rest assured that this purchase will be money well spent.

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For the businessman, latitude longitude cuff links

Where is the most special place in the world for this person? A secluded beach in Fiji? Or maybe their hometown? Inscribe the coordinates of that place on these cuff links.

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