Xuanyan Ouyang, 2014-15 Fiji International Tourism for Development student blogger, writes:

Bula! As with every study abroad program, academic study was not the only thing that we were doing. Our program combined activities and cultural interactions to enhance our learning in an experiential way. Two of my favorite program components were our kayaking and ziplining adventures.

Group photo alongside the Navua River

Group photo alongside the Navua River

Kayaking the Navua River

After hearing from the Rivers Fiji team about the company and its eco-tourism practices, we headed off for a day on the river. Though some of our group didn’t know how to swim, after donning life jackets and helmets, none hesitated to participate in the kayaking. We spent the day kayaking on the middle portion of the Navua River and also visited a remote village named Wainaduri.

Paddling along the Navua River

Paddling along the Navua River

Passing through inland villages and farmlands, the scenery is so amazing that I even thought we were in a movie! Plus, we had the opportunity to take a break from paddling and walk to a stunning waterfall.

Stunning waterfall beside Navua River

Stunning waterfall beside Navua River

But what pleased me the most was not the beautiful scenery, but the people that we met. There were kids playing around and in the river. They were very friendly and said “Bula!” to us, as most of the Fijians had greeted us thus far. When we finished our kayaking, the kids even followed the boat that we were in – it was such a moving moment.

Young boys playing in river

Young boys playing in river

Ziplining through the rainforest

Youyou Zhang, me and the tour guide preparing to zipline

Youyou Zhang, me and the tour guide preparing to zipline

This was my first time to go on a zipline tour, and I could not have been more excited. First we heard the operator Zip Fiji’s perspective of their business operations and also discussed some environmental issues affecting their operation. Then, we ascended into the canopy for the ziplining excitement.

We traveled along eight different ziplines through the rainforest canopy and stopped at viewing platforms along the way to appreciate the amazing views and learn about the local area.

Do my photos make you excited about traveling to Fiji? I hope you will visit the country one day.

Michael Brummer ziplining

Michael Brummer ziplining

I still have many fun stories and pictures to share, so I’ll talk to you in the next post.

Field Notes: Fijian homestay delivers life-changing experience
Field Notes: Why you should look forward to your homestay