

Marketing Interns, New Zealand, Student Perspective, Travel

AUIP welcomes Emma Rafferty from Virginia Tech to the AUIP Marketing Team

Emma Rafferty, the new Hokies Abroad Marketing Intern from Virginia Tech, talks about the experience of studying abroad in New Zealand in winter 2018/19.  She writes: Hi!  My name is Emma Rafferty and I’m a sophomore attending Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia studying Sustainable Biomaterials and Geography.  Basically, I love learning about how people interact with the environment and how…

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2014-15 Student Blogs, Fiji, Postcard, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Fiji student makes memories to last a lifetime

Victoria Robertson, 2014-15 Fiji International Tourism for Development student blogger, writes: Studying abroad in Fiji has been one of the most influential trips of my life. I made new friends, learned new customs and took more from the experience than I ever thought possible. I zip-lined through the rainforest, kayaked down the gorgeous Navua River, went horseback riding along the…

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2014-15 Student Blogs, Field Notes, Student Perspective

Field Notes: Fiji program academics enhanced with kayaking and ziplining adventures

Xuanyan Ouyang, 2014-15 Fiji International Tourism for Development student blogger, writes: Bula! As with every study abroad program, academic study was not the only thing that we were doing. Our program combined activities and cultural interactions to enhance our learning in an experiential way. Two of my favorite program components were our kayaking and ziplining adventures. Kayaking the Navua River After hearing…

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