

2017 Interns, Field Notes, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Madi, from the University of Florida, shares what she learnt about the three “Kiwis” during her time in New Zealand

Madison Dale, from the University of Florida, shares what she learnt about the three “Kiwis” during her time in New Zealand. She writes: Kiwis, kiwis, and Kiwis When I was in New Zealand I was surprised to learn that “kiwi” had several different meanings. There’s the kiwi fruit, the kiwi bird, and, as I was surprised to learn, New Zealanders…

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2017 Interns, Australia: Sydney, Field Notes, New Zealand & Sydney, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Carmyn, from the University of Montana, shares her most memorable moments from NZ & Sydney

Carmyn Wahl, from the University of Montana, shares her most memorable moments from her study abroad program in New Zealand’s South Island and Sydney, Australia. She writes: Hello! My name is Carmyn Wahl and I am a sophomore at the University of Montana studying international business and finance. Last winter I went to New Zealand and Sydney with AUIP to…

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NZ program-highlights
2017 Interns, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Jake, from Ohio State University, shares his NZ Program Highlights

Jake Cardinal, from Ohio State University, shares Program Highlights from his New Zealand Study Abroad experience in 2017. He writes: Throughout our time studying abroad in New Zealand, we did many fun activities and learned all about sustainability along the way. The activities ranged from wildlife tours, nature tours by boat, and amazing hikes. Going off this, the most asked…

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2017 Interns, Australia: North Queensland, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Jessie from Virginia Tech tackles Green Living

Jessie Auclair, the Hokies Abroad Marketing Intern from Virginia Tech, tackles the issue of Green Living. She writes:   All Hokies Abroad courses have a main focus of learning how to live sustainably. Here are some helpful Sustainable Living tips on how to reduce waste and conserve power. Waste Reduction Plastic is one of the most abundant waste products that…

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2017 Interns, Australia: North Queensland, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Introducing Jessie, Virginia Tech’s Hokies Abroad Marketing Intern for 2017-18

AUIP welcomes Jessie Auclair, the Hokies Abroad Marketing Intern, to the team. Jessie writes: G’day and Kia Ora, my name is Jessie Auclair and I am the marketing intern for Hokies Abroad at Virginia Tech. I am a Senior Human Nutrition, Food, and Exercise (HNFE) major in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. I took part in the New…

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2017 Interns, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Introducing Madison, Florida Down Under New Zealand’s Marketing Intern for 2017-18

AUIP welcomes Madison Dale, the Florida Down Under New Zealand Marketing Intern to the team. Madi writes: Kia Ora! My name is Madi Dale. I am a third year psychology and sustainability studies double major from the University of Florida. I am so excited to be a marketing intern for AUIP this year. Having a student perspective made choosing a…

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2017 Interns, Australia, Australia: North Queensland, Australia: Sydney, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Introducing Marisa, Florida Down Under Australia’s Marketing Intern for 2017-18

AUIP welcomes Marisa Gottlieb, the Florida Down Under Australia Marketing Intern to the team. Marisa writes: G’day Gators! My name is Marisa Gottlieb and I will be Florida Down Under Australia’s Marketing Intern for this year! I am a third-year student at the University of Florida, majoring in Tourism and Hospitality Management and minoring in Business Administration. From a young…

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2017 Interns, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Introducing Jake, the Ohio State Buckeyes Abroad Marketing Intern for 2017-18

AUIP welcomes Jake Cardinal, the Ohio State Buckeyes Abroad Marketing Intern to the team. Jake writes:  Kia Ora! My name is Jake Cardinal and I am the Buckeyes Abroad Marketing Intern. I am a third-year student at The Ohio State University studying Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability (EEDS). I grew up in a suburb of Toledo, Ohio and have since…

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2017 Interns, Australia, Australia: North Queensland, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Introducing Sierra, the Baylor University Bears Abroad Marketing Intern for 2017-18

AUIP welcomes Sierra Christerson, the Baylor University Bears Abroad Marketing Intern, to the team. She writes: Hello Baylor Bears! My name is Sierra Christerson and I will be the Bears Abroad Marketing Intern this year! If you’re like me, you want to experience all that the world has to offer. To seek new opportunities, thrills, and adventures. To immerse yourself…

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2017 Student Blogs, Australia: Sydney, Customized Program, New Zealand & Sydney, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Schools and Sightseeing in Sydney!

Lauren Fenyes, the University of North Texas Special Learners in Oceania student blogger writes in her final blog post: My spectacular study abroad program has come to an end, and although I am sad to finish this brief chapter of my life, I am incredibly thankful for the experiences I’ve had and the people I’ve met. The final days of…

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