Three floors of interactive displays, special exhibitions and life-sized creatures fill the Australian Museum. Located opposite Hyde Park, the museum’s $8 student entrance fee makes this a good bang-for-the-buck for Sydney program participants.
Exhibitions change throughout the year, so be sure to visit their website for exhibition dates before visiting if you’re especially interested in seeing one.
Our staff particularly enjoyed the Surviving Australia exhibition that showcased Australian animals that have survived, and those that haven’t, the continent’s changing climate, landscape and environment.
Consider the diprotodon, pictured right, weighing up to 2700 kilograms and being the largest of Australia’s megafauna. The animal is now extinct but scientists equate it genetically relative to today’s wombats and koalas but obviously on a much larger scale.
Have you been to the Australian Museum? What was your favorite exhibition?
Museum details:
6 College Street, Sydney NSW
Open daily 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.