

2015-16 Student Blogs, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: New Zealand: The opportunity of a lifetime

Amanda Sanchez, North Carolina State University’s Sustainability in New Zealand student blogger, writes: My name is Amanda, and I should start by confessing that I used to think that I was very unique. I believed that this indescribable desire in me was a passion unlike anyone else’s, that I was the only one yearning to leave the comfort of my…

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2016 Interns, Australia, Australia: Sydney, Field Notes, Postcard, Snapshot, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: A Walk Around Town

Melissa Solorzano, the Penn State School of Visual Arts Down Under marketing intern, writes: On our second day in Sydney, we partnered up and were given a walking tour of the city by our fearless leader, Dallas Rogers, who showed us many fascinating locations. The weather was beautiful and we got to know the city a little better. There were…

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2016 Student Blogs, Australia, Australia: North Queensland, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Buckeyes Boarding for North Queensland

Jessica Wetzel, The Ohio State University’s Sustainability in North Queensland 2016 student blogger, writes: As a second-year student at Ohio State, I was afforded the opportunity to be part of their “Second-year Transformational Experience Program,” through which I attended seminars focused on self-knowledge and development. I was paired with a mentor and learned how to write a grant proposal for…

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2015-16 Student Blogs, Australia, Australia: North Queensland, Australia: Sydney, Field Notes, New Zealand & Sydney, Postcard, Programs, Snapshot, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: An Aussie ending

Mackenzie Erickson, the Eagles Abroad Sustainability in Australia and New Zealand 2015-16 student blogger, writes: Australia was a blast! I can’t believe that my trip has come to an end and I am already back in Wisconsin. After leaving New Zealand we crossed the Tasman Sea to Australia. Here we had a short visit in Sydney where I saw the…

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2015-16 Student Blogs, Field Notes, New Zealand, Postcard, Snapshot, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Kiwi Adventures

Mackenzie Erickson, the Eagles Abroad Sustainability in Australia and New Zealand 2015-16 student blogger, writes:   New Zealand has been absolutely amazing! Today we traveled to our last New Zealand city, Queenstown. I can’t believe my time in New Zealand is almost over but I am excited to see what Australia has in store.       During our time…

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2015-16 Student Blogs, Field Notes, New Zealand, New Zealand & Sydney, Postcard, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: New Year, New Language, New Zealand

Mackenzie Erickson, the Eagles Abroad sustainability in Australia and New Zealand 2015-16 student blogger, writes: Kia Ora! That means hello in Maori, which the indigenous culture here in New Zealand. The first few days of the trip have been packed full of activities. I was fortunate enough to make it to all of my flights on time unlike part of…

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Antarctica – students on zodiac
2015-16 Student Blogs, Antarctica, Postcard, Programs, Snapshot, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Waddling through a winter wonderland

Olivia Carros, the Buckeyes Abroad Human and Natural Systems in Antarctica 2015 student blogger, writes:   Celebrating the holidays in Antarctica was an amazing experience; not only did we have snow 24/7, but we got to celebrate with seals, whales, and penguins! We were surrounded by beautiful and dramatic landscapes during our Christmas Eve dinner, and kayaking during the holidays…

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2015-16 Student Blogs, Antarctica, Programs, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Antarctica: Harsh, wild, and humbling

Hi everyone, my name is Olivia Carros and I am a second year student at the Ohio State University studying Environmental Policy and Decision Making with a minor in Cultural Anthropology. Once I graduate, I hope to obtain a Masters in Environmental Social Science and join the Peace Corps while traveling to different countries as often as possible. Today I…

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