

Customized Program, Field Notes, Marketing Interns, New Zealand, Student Perspective, Travel

Student Perspective: Environmental challenges and diversity in communities – by Acacia Rhodes, The Ohio State University

Acacia shares their greatest academic achievements and personal developments while studying in Australia in the summer of 2024. They write: Having been raised by a single parent, I never thought I would be able to have an opportunity to study abroad. Through hard work and determination, I was able to secure scholarships to support my academic travel. Through the experience,…

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Customized Program, Field Notes, Marketing Interns, New Zealand, Student Perspective, Travel

Student Perspective: Exploring conservation and culture in Australia – by Ava Geltinger, Virginia Tech

Ava talks about the experience of studying abroad in Australia in the summer of 2024. She writes: Hi everyone! My name is Ava, and I am a current junior at Virginia Tech, majoring in wildlife conservation and minoring in GIS. I am passionate about all forms of conservation, and I am always eager to learn something new. My parents nurtured…

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Sydney street art girl with flowers and fish
Australia, Australia: Sydney, Customized Program, Field Notes, Inspiration, Marketing Interns, Student Perspective, Travel, Uncategorized

Student Perspective: Finding a New Home In A Far Away Place – by Paige Garpstas, Penn State University

Paige Garpstas, from The Pennsylvania State University, explains her time abroad and all that it taught her. She writes: Studying abroad was a college dream I had always imagined. When looking at schools, one of my top priorities was seeking out their abroad program and what I could do to get there. I am currently a junior at Penn State,…

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Photo of Amanda Carter working on an AWC turtle project.
Alumni Updates, New Zealand, Travel, What Next

Alumni Update: Amanda Carter’s career shaped by her Virginia Tech study abroad experiences

Amanda Carter Virginia Tech AUIP alumnus: Sustaining Humans and the Environment, Australia, 2009 Sustaining the Fragile Continent, Antarctica, 2010 AUIP Marketing Intern, Hokies Abroad Teaching Assistant, Sustaining Humans and the Environment, Australia Teaching Assistant, Sustaining the Fragile Continent, Antarctica A decade after my first study abroad program, study abroad remains one of the most formative experiences of my life. I…

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Finished “Frog” painting created based off of Aboriginal story telling symbols
Australia, Australia: Northern Territory, Customized Program, Field Notes, Inspiration, Marketing Interns, Student Perspective, Travel, Uncategorized

Student Perspective: Telling a Story – by Brooke Burkhart, Penn State University

Brooke Burkhart, from the Penn State University, explains why she enjoyed creating art and learning about the history of dot painting within the Aboriginal communities in Australia. She writes: I had many amazing experiences with all of the art-making we did throughout our abroad adventure.  One experience that particularly influenced me during this trip was the art-making and gallery tour…

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Australia, Green Living, Marketing Interns, New Zealand, Student Perspective, Travel

Student Perspective: Change to Sustainability – by Lucas DuMez, Virginia Tech

Lucas DuMez, Hokies Abroad Marketing Intern from Virginia Tech, talks about how his study abroad experience influenced his way of living on his return to Blacksburg.  He writes: Hi!  My name is Lucas DuMez, from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. This blog will go in depth about how my trip abroad to Australia and New Zealand inspired me to…

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Australia, Field Notes, Marketing Interns, New Zealand, Student Perspective, Travel

Student Perspective: Field Activities and Data Collection with Hokies Abroad – by Lucas DuMez, Virginia Tech

Lucas DuMez, Hokies Abroad Marketing Intern from Virginia Tech, explains some of the unique Hokies Abroad field experiences in New Zealand and Australia.  He writes: Hey, my name is Lucas and I go to Virginia Tech. I am writing about the field experiences that my group and I had while abroad in New Zealand and Australia. Field experiences are like…

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Australia, Green Living, Marketing Interns, New Zealand, Student Perspective, Travel

Student Perspective: The Top Five Things I Experienced Abroad in NZ + Australia – by Lucas DuMez, Virginia Tech

Lucas DuMez, Hokies Abroad Marketing Intern from Virginia Tech, talks about his most memorable study abroad experiences.  He writes: Hello, my name is Lucas DuMez. I am a sophomore, from Virginia Tech, and I will be talking about the top five things I experienced on my Australia and New Zealand trip with Hokies Abroad in June 2018. These five things…

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2017 Interns, Australia, Australia: Sydney, Student Perspective, Travel

Student perspective: Making the friends of a lifetime – by Emily Fessler, Penn State

Emily Fessler, from Pennsylvania State University , talks about her experience of studying in Sydney with Penn State School of Visual Arts in winter 2017. She writes: Traveling to a new country is always a fun and exciting experience, but sometimes it can be somewhat nerve-wracking when traveling alone. One of the best ways to explore another country is with…

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2017 Interns, Australia, Australia: Sydney, Student Perspective, Travel

Student perspective: Transform your classroom, transform your life – by Emily Fessler, Penn State

Emily Fessler, from Pennsylvania State University , talks about experience of studying in Sydney with Penn State School of Visual Arts in winter 2017. She writes: Older and wiser people always tell me that a study abroad opportunity is an “experience of a lifetime.” After earning three credits in Sydney, Australia this past winter break of 2017, I now understand…

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