

2016 Interns, Australia, Australia: South Australia, Australia: Sydney, Snapshot, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: “It’s not where you are, it’s who you’re with.”

Katerina Alemis, the Illinois Abroad marketing intern, writes: The saying, “It’s not where you are, it’s who you’re with,” is one that truly resonated with me throughout my time in Australia. After eight weeks of class together, I still felt overwhelmed by the fact that I was going to travel halfway across the world with a group of people whose…

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2016 Interns, Australia, Australia: South Australia, Australia: Sydney, Snapshot, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: A Tale of Two Cities

Katerina Alemis, the Illinois Abroad marketing intern, writes: On this day exactly two months ago I embarked on a trip to Australia. I did not know what this trip would bring me, but I was excited for everything about this experience. After finally arriving after what felt like forever, I could not wait to explore and learn all there is…

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