Does your study abroad program begin next week in Australia or Fiji or soon in New Zealand? If so, we expect you’re making some last-minute trips to Target or REI for gear listed on your packing list.

While your student handbook provides a thorough packing list, we enlisted some program alumni to provide their insights on packing. We asked our marketing interns a very important question and compiled their responses for your perusal.

What was one of the most useful items you packed (or wish you’d packed!) in your suitcase and why?

Black Diamond headlamp

Black Diamond headlamp

Ali Johnson from Tigers Abroad: Bug spray

“I put it on every day because I always get eaten alive at home and the bugs were worse in the rainforest. Your packing list will tell you to bring buy spray and make sure you do!”

Annalise Kelleher from Buckeyes Abroad: An old pair of tennis shoes

“I wore my tennis shoes tons on the program and they were really dirty by the end. Since they were an old pair, I just threw them away and thus created extra space for souvenirs in my suitcase. Some classmates put their shoes in donation bins at the hostel, so that’s an option if yours aren’t too ruined.”

Brett Davis from Eagles Abroad: Waterproof zip off cargo pants

“I brought a pair of waterproof pants that zipped off into shorts. On my New Zealand program, the mornings were bit chilly and sometimes rainy. When it was raining I used them as pants so I stayed dry. Then, during the warmer times, I could easily zip them off into shorts. These worked great for all situations and lighten the load in my backpack. I also didn’t have to worry about finding a place to change in the middle of the day.” 

Hannah Strange from Florida Down Under: Headlamp

“You never have enough hands, so a headlamp, which fits comfortably around your forehead, allows you to hold items in both hands while still being able to see. For a hands-free lighting convenience, a headlamp is the only way to go.”

Krysta Frye from Deacons Abroad: Two pairs of hiking shoes

“I wish I had brought two pairs of tennis shoes or one pair of tennis shoes and a pair of hiking sandals, like Tevas or Chacos, because many days we had to rewear the same shoes that had yet to dry from the night before, which was pretty uncomfortable.”

Space Bag

Space Bag

Robert Smith from Wolfpack Abroad: Space Bag

“All I had to do was pack my clothes in a Space Bag and roll out the air. It was something I was glad I had with me because it allowed more room for other items.”

Tessa Arnold from Hokies Abroad: Microfiber towel

“Instead of packing a microfiber towel, I packed both a beach towel and a bath towel. They took up too much suitcase space! Microfiber towels are great because they are so much thinner, and absorb water three times faster than a regular towel. Packing one single microfiber towel would have taken up considerably less space than my two huge, thick regular towels. Not only would it have saved space, it would have dried faster!”

Aquis microfiber towel

Aquis microfiber towel

Tiffany Kascak from Lions Abroad: Wristwatch

“Your schedule will be packed on your program, so you’ll want to be on time to everything. Plus, I used my watch as an alarm clock to get me going in the mornings.”


Field Notes: Practice snorkeling before heading out to the Great Barrier Reef
Student Perspective: Spend program free time being active, relaxing or catching up on coursework