Remember our June post Green Living: Drink up tap water? Well, we had some great comments after that post about people, especially our students, always carrying reusable water bottles.

Students on the South Queensland program said that a reusable water bottle is an absolute ‘must pack’ for studying abroad. Instead of racking up costs on buying bottled water or soft drinks, our students just refill the bottle constantly.

What bottles do students prefer you wonder?

Well, the SIGG aluminum and stainless steel bottles are a big hit. The eye-catching designs make the bottles easy to distinguish from classmates’ bottles. And the SIGG liners are leach proof to reduce bacteria build-up and to ensure every drop you consume is free of chemicals.

Many students also prefer the Nalgene On the Go bottles. With a one-handed access, the OTG bottle, pictured right, allows for writing notes and simultaneously taking a swig of water. The only downside of the OTG is that it’s not 100 percent leakproof. Nonetheless, the sleek design (it easily fits in the side of backpacks) and one-hand drinking aspect make it a winner.

You can always use these bottles on campus this fall to help the environment, too.

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