It is now a little over two months since the devastating February 22 earthquake hit the city of Christchurch. There are parts of the CBD that still resemble a war zone but the remainder of the city and region are open for business and it remains the gateway to the rest of the South Island.
On March 18, the National Christchurch Memorial Service was held in Christchurch’s Hagley Park. This was an event to help the residents of Christchurch grieve for their fallen city and remember those who had been lost in the quake. There were musical tributes, readings and prayers. Prince William even attended to show the support of the Monarchy.
A sense of normality is starting to return to the residents of Christchurch as roads are repaired, recreational facilities re-open and displaced businesses find new offices. One such office is that of AUIP who is happy to report that we have a new home! An unconventional three bedroom apartment is where you will find us now but we are enjoying the warmth of the heat pump as the weather cools and look forward to using the courtyard in summer! The photo to the left shows Sara and Sheena hard at work in their new surroundings.