
New Zealand

2014-15 Student Blogs, Australia: Sydney, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Ask why NOT study abroad instead of why

Joe Bagazinski, 2014-15 New Zealand and Sydney Sustainable Business student blogger, writes: Hi everyone! My name is Joe Bagazinski; I am a senior marketing student from the University of North Texas. Nine months ago I was casually sitting in my Marketing Foundations course when an opportunity to do a Wintermester abroad in New Zealand and Australia was presented to us….

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2014-15 Interns, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: The Last Best Place: New Zealand hands down

Evan Tipton, the Grizzlies Abroad marketing intern, writes: “What is your favorite place?” Is a question you hear a lot as a professional in the travel and tourism industry. Every time I hear it, I give the same heartfelt answer, “The South Island of New Zealand, hands down.” During the winter of 2010-11, I got to spend five weeks in…

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2014-15 Student Blogs, Australia: North Queensland, Australia: South Queensland, Australia: Sydney, Fiji, New Zealand, News Brief

News Brief: Apply for AUIP blogger position

As AUIP Maymester and summer programs quickly approach, our student blogging program is accepting applications. If you’re a student with a passion for writing, photography or videography, or just simply enjoy sharing your experiences with a vast audience, then we encourage you to apply. AUIP will select student bloggers for each destination in Australia, Fiji and New Zealand as a…

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2013-14 Interns, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Unexpected education comes from experiential learning

Alex Munoz, the Illinois Abroad marketing intern, writes: Upon being accepted into last summer’s New Zealand Adventure Recreation and Tourism program, I did not know what to expect. I originally applied for the program because several students who had gone on it the previous year had nothing but good things to say about it. I had always wanted to study…

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2013-14 Interns, Antarctica, Australia: North Queensland, Australia: Northern Territory, Australia: South Queensland, Australia: Sydney, Fiji, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Study abroad benefits business majors in a host of ways

Michaela Mills, the Tigers Abroad marketing intern, writes: As a business major, I often hear classmates in my major saying studying abroad is not beneficial for them or maybe not even possible. However in reality, these days more and more employers, especially in the business arena, are searching for prospects with a global viewpoint, international experience and even the understanding…

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2013-14 Interns, Green Living, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Green Living: Offset your carbon footprint while flying

Cassie Meakin, the Hokies Abroad marketing intern, writes: When I arrived home from studying abroad in Australia and New Zealand this past summer, I knew my lifestyle needed to change if I wanted to maintain the beautiful ecosystems that had changed my life. While abroad, I witnessed firsthand the impacts the human race’s carbon footprint has left on earth, including…

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2013-14 Interns, New Zealand, Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Overcome the nerve-racking side of study abroad and reap all its benefits

Cecilia Santostefano, the SUNY Down Under marketing intern, writes: Upon my acceptance into college, one piece of advice that everyone gave me was: study abroad. But I never took too much consideration to the idea and for three semesters those words of advice hid in the back of my mind. I did not think anything of it as I was…

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Antarctica, Australia: North Queensland, Australia: South Queensland, Fiji, New Zealand, News Brief, Student Perspective, What Next

What Next: Winners awarded in 2013 AUIP Photo Contest: Exploring the South Pacific

If you haven’t noticed lately, our AUIP Facebook fan page has been a hive of activity with entries for the 2013 AUIP Photo Contest: Exploring the South Pacific. With more entries than ever before, our judges faced a particularly challenging task of voting. This year’s entries included an abundance of incredible underwater photography, ranging from scuba diving with sea turtles…

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