

Antarctica, Australia: North Queensland, Australia: Northern Territory, Australia: South Queensland, Australia: Sydney, Fiji, New Zealand, News Brief

News Brief: AUIP releases new program videos

AUIP has just released this year’s program videos. The majority of the footage for these programs was taken from summer 2010 programs, so follow this link and see if you can spot yourself in action. [youtube=] Marty Coyle, a colleague and close friend of the AUIP team provided the voiceovers for the videos. Can anyone guess where this cheeky chappy…

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Antarctica, Field Notes, Student Perspective

Field Notes: Humpback whales amaze student in Antarctica

Antarctica truly is a dramatic and pristine environment unlike any other landscape on earth. I spent days sailing in open ocean before discovering land like an early explorer. I heard gentoo penguins as they inspected my campsite and massive whales as they surfaced alongside my zodiac. I enjoyed the Drake Lake and survived the Drake Shake. Each daily expedition provided…

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Antarctica, Australia: North Queensland, Australia: Northern Territory, Australia: South Queensland, Australia: Sydney, New Zealand, Product Line

Product Line: Solar charger earns highest regard (win one this week!)

5, 584. That’s how many miles Eleanor drove in under three months last fall making campus visits. And that was only in her car. If you calculate all the rental car miles, Eleanor probably clocked 8,000 miles. Curious what is one of Eleanor’s biggest dilemmas for road travel? Read her account: “Sure, the long drives are tiring. Sure, they can…

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Antarctica, Library

Library: Polar plunge – optional activity for the brave (or the crazy?)

A polar plunge (often called a polar bear plunge) is an activity students going on the Antarctica program can chose to participate in. Polar plunges are where participants enter bodies of water despite the VERY cold temperatures. Polar plunge events are held all over the world and often for charity, but really, if you’re going to do it where better…

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Antarctica, Library

Library: Student, and now AUIP staffer, writes about Antarctic study abroad

For those of you who are preparing for the AUIP Antarctica Program starting shortly or just those interested in the Antarctica experience, read all about our very own Eleanor’s experience. From staring into the eyes of penguins, polar plunges, high seas and an ‘interesting’ smell that seemed to follow them,  the Antarctica Program as El describes was a whole new…

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Antarctica, Australia: North Queensland, Australia: Northern Territory, Australia: South Queensland, Australia: Sydney, Fiji, Green Living, Library, New Zealand

Library: Students ban bottled water

We caught sight of an article Dr. Paige Schneider, co-director of Pirates Abroad programs, posted on her Facebook wall and had to share it with everyone. The New York Times article “Banning the Bottle” states 86 percent of plastic water bottles end up as garbage in the United States. That’s quite a daunting fact, especially considering all the other ugly…

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Antarctica, Australia: North Queensland, Australia: Northern Territory, Australia: South Queensland, Australia: Sydney, Fiji, Library, New Zealand

Library: YouTube video series addresses health and safety

Getting ready to study or travel abroad in the South Pacific? Are you – or your parents – concerned about your health and well-being? Fortunately, the South Pacific is a relatively safe travel destination, according to the Global Peace Index (GPI), New Zealand is your best bet for a risk-free destination. However, even seasoned travelers will undoubtedly experience something new….

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Antarctica, Australia: North Queensland, Australia: Northern Territory, Australia: South Queensland, Australia: Sydney, Fiji, New Zealand, News Brief

News Brief: 2010 Photo contest winners announced

After serious deliberation, the votes are in. Thank you to all our alumni who entered a photo in the 2010 Photo Contest: It’s the Ultimate Fieldtrip! With our panel of judges having multiple favorites, picking the winning photos was no easy task. From an Aboriginal dancer to a Virginia Tech student jumping over his classmates, the photos literally caught all…

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Antarctica, Australia: North Queensland, Fiji, New Zealand, Postcard

Postcard: SUNY fairs cover New York statewide

From Fredonia on the banks of Lake Erie to our partner at Brockport and from Oswego on the banks of Lake Ontario to Plattsburgh in northeast Upstate New York and to multiple places in between, Eleanor traveled over 1,500 miles in the past two weeks to State University of New York study abroad fairs. Catching up with our partners and…

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Antarctica, Australia: North Queensland, Australia: Northern Territory, Australia: South Queensland, Australia: Sydney, Fiji, New Zealand, News Brief

News Brief: AUIP photo contest underway

Now’s the time to enter the 2010 AUIP photo contest! Alumni, we hope you’ve identified your most awe-inspiring photograph to submit because our contest sponsors have donated some seriously desirable prizes. Of today, September 1, 2010, AUIP alumni can enter the 2010 Photo Contest: It’s the Ultimate Field Trip! The photo contest is open to all AUIP alumni who have…

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