
Field Notes

Weaving In Fiji
2014-15 Student Blogs, Field Notes, Fiji

Field Notes: Fijian homestay delivers life-changing experience

Xuanyan Ouyang, 2014-15 Fiji International Tourism for Development student blogger, writes: Life-changing means you have experienced something different that alters life circumstances or outlooks in a substantial way. The day and a half we spent in Votua Village, short yet eye-opening, was just that. The homestay experience helped us learn more about the true Fijian lifestyle and the impact of tourism on…

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2014-15 Student Blogs, Field Notes, Student Perspective

Field Notes: Fiji program academics enhanced with kayaking and ziplining adventures

Xuanyan Ouyang, 2014-15 Fiji International Tourism for Development student blogger, writes: Bula! As with every study abroad program, academic study was not the only thing that we were doing. Our program combined activities and cultural interactions to enhance our learning in an experiential way. Two of my favorite program components were our kayaking and ziplining adventures. Kayaking the Navua River After hearing…

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2014-15 Student Blogs, Field Notes, Fiji, Student Perspective

Field Notes: Why you should look forward to your homestay

Victoria Robertson, 2014-15 Fiji International Tourism for Development student blogger, writes: Going into my study abroad program, living with a homestay family was something I dreaded. Even while in Fiji, I couldn’t help but be nervous for what was to come. Looking back now, I wish I hadn’t been this way, as this was one of the most enriching experiences…

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2014-15 Student Blogs, Field Notes, New Zealand

Field Notes: Student sees character emerge from the rubble in Christchurch

Joe Bagazinski, 2014-15 New Zealand and Sydney Sustainable Business student blogger, writes: After hearing about the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes I was not sure what to expect when visiting the city, but it turned out to be one of the strangest feelings I’ve ever had. I never knew the old Christchurch, but as I walked through the shadows of what the city used…

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2014-15 Interns, Australia: North Queensland, Field Notes

Field Notes: Mungalla Station offers insights into Aboriginal culture

Caroline Gilmore, the Richmond Down Under marketing intern, writes:   When I arrived in Townsville for the North Queensland, Australia program last summer, I knew little about Aboriginal Australian culture. The little I remembered from high school was certainly not enough. Fortunately while in Australia, we were given the opportunity to connect with the indigenous community, forever changing my perspective….

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2013-14 Interns, Australia: North Queensland, Field Notes

Field Notes: Hidden Valley, a true gem and program highlight

Michaela Mills, the Tigers Abroad marketing intern, writes: When Australia program alumni are asked to name their favorite program location, most respond the Great Barrier Reef or possibly the farmstays. However a spot mentioned less frequently but that’s equally as remarkable is Hidden Valley. Located on the western slope of the Paluma Range in Queensland, Hidden Valley provides an experience…

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2013-14 Interns, Australia: North Queensland, Field Notes

Field Notes: Top 5 things to do in Port Douglas, Australia

Reina Tyl, Buckeyes Abroad marketing intern, writes: During the North Queensland program, you will spend nearly a week in Port Douglas, Australia. This portion of the program is focused on traveling to and learning about the Great Barrier Reef, but there is plenty of downtime to explore all that Port Douglas has to offer. Here are some suggestions for how…

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2013-14 Interns, Australia: North Queensland, Field Notes, Student Perspective

Field Notes: Farmstay feels like real home away from home

Jillian Pellicano, the Lions Abroad marketing intern, writes: Sometimes the hardest part about leaving home can be sleeping in another house. When I first found out farmstays were part of the North Queensland program, I was a bit hesitant, but I decided to put my best foot forward and just go with it. To my surprise, my farmstay turned out…

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