
Field Notes

Australia: Sydney, Field Notes

Field Notes: Royal National Park provides nearby escape for Sydneysiders

Only 18 miles south of Sydney, Royal National Park encompasses over 40,200 acres of land with 93 miles of walking tracks, beach access and picnic and camping areas. For Sydney residents, the park offers an easy daytrip out of the city. Likewise for our students, Royal gave an opportunity to experience one of the park’s main advantages as a recreational…

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Australia: Sydney, Field Notes

Field Notes: Sydney’s municipalities display array of urban development

Sore feet. Buff legs. And minds full of new knowledge. Yes, that about sums up our Sydney students after their day of walking throughout Sydney. At the guidance of Dr. Michael Darcy from the University of Western Sydney, our students learned about the globalization, affordability (or lack thereof!) and urban redevelopment in sprawling Sydney. Visiting all of Sydney’s 41 municipalities…

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Australia: Sydney, Field Notes

Field Notes: Sydney Olympic Park excites students for sustainable practices

This afternoon our Sydney students, pictured left, ventured to Sydney Olympic Park to learn about its water and energy innovations. The group drove through Newington, the world’s first sustainable suburb, which was originally the 2000 Sydney Olympics’ athletes housing site. Student Jastevia Sallet says, “I love how all the houses have recycled water. It was cool how the purple meter supplies…

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Australia: Sydney, Field Notes

Field Notes: Sydney students learn Cadigal people history

After spending the morning in lectures about Australian history and Sydney’s tourism and urban planning, our students explored Sydney by foot and boat today. Tour guide Binowee shared knowledge on the Cadigal people who originally lived on the land that Sydney now occupies. She emphasized to students the connection the Cadigal people have with Mother Earth and the methods used…

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