AUIP welcomes Caleb Wilson, MTSU’s Blue Raiders Down Under Marketing Intern to the team. Caleb writes:

My name is Caleb Wilson and I am the Marketing Intern for AUIP on Middle Tennessee State University’s campus. I am a Senior studying Marketing in the Jenning A. Jones College of Business and I actually studied abroad in the United Kingdom and France during the summer of 2016 through an a different organization. Upon my arrival back to the States, I immediately knew I wanted to be an advocate for the Education Abroad Department on MTSU’s campus, so I became a Global Ambassador. In fulfilling that role last year, I learned about the new Blue Raiders Down Under program in North Queensland, Australia, which will be led by Dr. Rudy Dunlap in 2018. Eager to share the impact of studying abroad, I am excited to be AUIP’s Marketing Intern and to ensure that all MTSU students know about this new experiential learning opportunity.

I’ll start my introduction about myself by telling you about July 13th, 2013, the day my life was changed forever. On that day I was a pedestrian and was hit by a car leaving me paralyzed from the chest down and wheelchair bound. Before my accident I had traveled to Mexico for vacation and Guatemala on a mission trip, so I knew that I like to travel. However, it wasn’t until the summer of 2015 after my accident when my family and I traveled to Switzerland for stem cell research that my eyes were truly opened to my love for traveling and experiencing other cultures. So after my first trip to Europe I knew I wanted to go back, but this time I wanted to go by myself (without my family) to test my independence and to step out of my comfort zone. So I studied abroad and it was the best decision of my life.

As mentioned before, after my study abroad program I became a Global Ambassador for the Education Abroad Department at MTSU. As Global Ambassadors, we promoted study abroad in general, which I absolutely encourage. Yet after a year as a Global Ambassador, I wanted to do more. I had learned about AUIP and Dr. Dunlap’s commitment to bringing the unique AUIP experience to MTSU and I knew I wanted to be a part of reaching that goal. In short, this program is one of the most complete study abroad opportunities I have found. It does a perfect job of executing education through a non-traditional, transformational setting, meaning that you’re not being lectured at by a professor with a PowerPoint slideshow. This is truly experiencing a different culture and environment in an educational and exciting way. I mean snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, hiking through Hidden Valley and the Daintree Rainforest, and the coolest part (I think) is learning about a entirely different culture than ours in America from the Nywaigi Aboriginal people.

This program is absolutely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students to step outside of their comfort zone, learn about an entirely different culture and environment, and have the time of their lives. I encourage all students to try something new and participate in the Blue Raiders Down Under program. You won’t regret it.

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