New Zealand is in mourning as one of New Zealand’s most beloved children’s authors Margaret Mahydied recently in Christchurch at age 76. Mahy wrote over 200 children’s and young adult books during her career.

Margaret Mahy image from Fairfax NZ, provided by

Her books have been translated into a dozen languages and she has won many prestigious children’s book awards, most notably being the only New Zealander to receive the Hans Christian Andersen Award for her lasting contribution to children’s literature.

Mahy’s books are eccentric and often have supernatural themes with wonderfully detailed illustrations. She was a regular visitor of schools where she would regale children with her stories, while wearing a wig and vibrant clothes. Particular favorites of her books are A Lion in the Meadow, The Seven Chinese Brothers and The Man Whose Mother was a Pirate, which are considered New Zealand national classics. Mahy’s writing and her vibrant personality will be sadly missed.

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