A comment we often receive from students at the end of the programs is that they want to be able to take all that they have learnt on the issue of sustainability back to their everyday lives and lead a ‘greener’ life.

Similarly, the majority of students having traveled to the South Pacific have well and truly caught the travel bug and want to continue with their travels. Well, we have found a review of what looks like a great book that helps with both!

How To Take A Green Vacation by Steve Stillwater has been reviewed by theplanetd and can be read here. The book offers practical advice on how you can do your part to save the planet whilst traveling. Stillwater devotes an entire section to offering suggestions as to what questions you should ask tour companies and hotel chains to ensure that you are choosing the greenest option.

He then goes on to describe the different types of vacations for the Green Traveler and what are the best adventures, destinations and where to stay for each category. Definitely a book we will be getting in the AUIP office.

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