Adrienne Wilson, 2011 South Queensland student blogger, writes:
June 11-13
The last couple days of the trip were quite a blur. A few of us got the chance to check out Fraser Island, a World Heritage site famous for its purebred dingoes. It was a fun day filled with bumpy rollercoaster-like roads and a lot of learning. Here are some scenic pictures from Fraser:
A lot of friendships were made over the course of this 24-day trip. It’s really interesting to see what kind of conversations and relationships can form when you’re stuck with a random group of people for a month. Definitely an exhilarating experience though. Luckily, the majority of the students are from Wake Forest University, so staying in touch isn’t really a problem. And the University of Hawai’i and University of Montana kids always have Facebook/email. So that works out nicely. We’ve even established a “group” that we’ve all added ourselves in.
In any case, it was a pretty sad realization when we all recognized our trip was over; it was definitely quite the ride. AUIP has definitely done an amazing job in creating a unique and wonderful experience that I would recommend to anyone.