Adrienne Wilson, 2011 South Queensland student blogger, writes:

May 29

We arrived at Noosa beach today! Along the way we had a lecture about ecotourism and that I found pretty interesting. Our place at Noosa is called Noosa Caravan Park, pictured left.

May 30

Today was a free day. I woke up early to finish my last module and to give Margaux our lab report (from the rainforest survey) to turn in.

Everyone decided to go to the beach and caught the bus around 10 am… I decided to be a baller though and ran the 8 kilometers there. It was great. I left there around 12:40ish, got a little lost, and then managed to get there around 1:30. Noosa seems similar to a residential area though and along the sound/riverbank there were many kayak rental areas – $5 for a single!

It was pretty much just a day of relaxation. Some people played Frisbee, others tried paddle boarding, and others just tanned. There’s also a strip of shops and restaurants right next to the beach, like a mini Waikiki, where people can window-shop or just walk around. I highly suggest trying out New Zealand Natural ice cream; it’s really good.

Here are some pictures of our free day fun.

The Fact Files: How do you find out why a sea turtle has epileptic fits?
Student Perspective: Students head to Lamington National Park and the Gold Coast