Sustainability + Social Responsibility in the Visual Arts: Sydney, Brisbane, and Lady Elliot Island, Australia

May 17 – June 11, 2022

Credits – 3 credits (ART 299)

Apply by – February 1, 2022

Cost Program budget sheet

This course will introduce students to the urban art scene in Australia through a series of site visits while learning about and meeting the artists and communities that create them. Students will learn about art within the context of sustainability and social action. In addition to the time immersed in Sydney and Brisbane, the program includes a rare opportunity to spend three nights on an island within the Great Barrier Reef, snorkeling and learning about complex contemporary environmental issues that Australia faces today. Course highlights also include a behind-the-scenes tour of the Sydney Opera House, visits to Australia’s premier art galleries, learning about indigenous art and heritage, and connecting with the dynamic street art scene.

This course is open to all Penn State undergraduates, regardless of major or artistic experience.  Coursework includes essays, sketchbook, and participation in creative activities.