Florida Down Under Programs.
The University of Florida’s Department of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management offers a series of sustainability focused faculty-led study abroad programs each summer in the South Pacific, timed so that you can study in more than one location and make the most of your summer! These programs explore the interdisciplinary and complex relationship between humans and the environment. These courses on sustainability are open and relevant to all majors, do not have prerequisites, and can fulfill a number of degree and general education requirements. Expect experiential learning, exposure to new environments and communities, and insightful local guides and instructors. We welcome you to study with us Down Under!
Dr. Heather Gibson
Next Information Session: Wed, Nov 6, 2024, 5-6.30pm in FLG 235.
Join by zoom at this link. Meeting ID 975 7431 5763, Passcode 536986
On-Demand Information Session: Florida Down Under’s information session on Wed, Oct 2, 2024, was recorded and is available to view at your convenience. Check it out to learn more! The full video recording can be viewed at this link.
Program Contacts:
Faculty leader – Dr. Heather Gibson, hgibson@hhp.ufl.edu
UF International Center Advisor – Emma Frierson, efrierson@ufic.ufl.edu

UF in North Queensland, Australia
May 14 – Jun 14, 2025
Credits – 6 credits (LEI 4955/6931)
Apply – by Feb 6, 2025
Cost – 2023 pricing was $8,987 (undergraduate), $9,483 (graduate)
This four-week faculty-led experiential program uses the theme of sustainable development to explore the relationship between people and their natural environment. North Queensland boasts some of the most diverse and remarkable natural resources in the southern hemisphere. Known as the Sunshine State, Queensland is home to lush rainforests, Outback scrub and desert, and the spectacular marine diversity of the Great Barrier Reef. The program also includes time in Sydney, Australia’s largest city.

UF in Fiji
Next offered June 2026
(10-day program)
Credits – 3 credits (LEI 4955/6931)
Apply – register interest below
Cost – TBC; 2022 price was $3,528 (undergraduate), $3,776 (graduate)
This 10-day faculty-led experiential program uses the theme of sustainable development to explore the relationship between people and the natural environment. We examine the complex relationships between Fijian cultural practices, environmental conservation, and eco-tourism. Despite several centuries of outside contact and a unique ethnic mix, traditional Fijian values and customs still flourish and have a profound influence on the connection between people and the land. Fiji is a low-cost layover on the return flight to the U.S. and by combining Fiji with Australia or New Zealand, you could earn 9 credits.
The itinerary for this program was insanely well planned and included everything I could have hoped for in a study abroad program. I loved the prevalence of outdoor activities and the balance of school and fun.”
UF in North Queensland, Australia, 2023 Participant
I truly loved my time on this trip. Signing up for this trip was definitely one of the best
decisions I’ve made for myself. I feel like I’ve grown so much during my time here and met some great people.”UF in North Queensland, Australia, 2023 Participant

UF in New Zealand
Not currently offered
Credits – 6 credits (LEI 4955/6931)
Apply – register interest above
This three and a half-week faculty-led experiential program will examine resource conservation and the natural, and related social, history of New Zealand. New Zealand’s isolation, after its separation from the ancient Gondwanaland millions of years ago, has left this island nation with a unique natural heritage. The plants and animals that have evolved here are unknown elsewhere in the world. In this course you’ll use New Zealand as a case study to examine different cultural perspectives on the three pillars of sustainability: environment, social equity, and economics.